Today is Beltane - (also known as May Day) is one of the four main festivals, or quarters, on the Wheel of the Year and a very important one at that. Beltane was originally a Celtic celebration of the sun and the fertile land below. During this time, we revel in the warmth of the sunshine as well as the growth, vitality, and fertility that it promises.
This holiday is known to the Irish as Lá Bealtaine, which translates roughly to “bright fire.” As such, it is a significant fire festival thrown in dedication to the gods to ask for their divine blessings of abundance during the warmer half of the year.
Beltane is about honoring the light half of the year and rejoicing in warmth, passion, fertility, and all of the earth’s blessings. It is a form of veneration of the warm sun, positivity, radiance, and abundance.
However you choose to spend your Bank Holiday today may the official time of the light returning to us and this part of the earth, put a spring and joy in your step and hope for a blessed happy, healthy and healed life for you.
Thank you all for your support, sharing light and connection in the community as we are celebrating ATTA’s 1st birthday . We are reflecting on the seeds and dreams we planted and how they have flourished.
We will continue to plant many more,
All our love
C & T 🤍