More on Zapper information
written by Don Croft
A zapper is a personal bio-electric device that is worn against the skin to destroy parasites and promote health. It’s powered by a 9-volt battery and operates on 15Hz (frequency). The picture above is an unretouched photo of Intestinal worms, killed by a basic zapper in a few minutes in 1997 during a colonic irrigation after using a zapper. So why should you use a zapper?
The outside of the zapper, with copper circles that transmit the frequency through the skin.
On a regular basis, newspaper headlines include the findings of major medical studies where yet another parasitic virus has been found to cause yet another disease. What is interesting about these findings is that many different people were making these same connections back in the 1950′s. What researchers have discovered, and by very different paths, is that weak electric current eliminates viruses and other parasitic organisms. Once these parasites are eliminated, the body’s healing power can be fully unleashed, restoring vibrant health within an amazingly short period of time. My extensive research (which you can also do) and testimonials indicate that:
All people suffer from parasites of one type or another during their lifetimes.
Parasites are positively charged. Unhealthy tissue is also positively charged.
The introduction of very weak electric current (via the Zapper) perhaps destroys parasites by reversing the polarity of the static field in which they thrive. A flood of free electrons, in this case, encourage diseased tissue to heal — healthy tissue is negatively charged, which is to say that there’s an overabundance of free electrons in and around it.
Parasites cannot defend their positive polarity (deficit of free electrons) against the introduction of simple direct current and they die very quickly when the static field of their environment (blood, lymph, mucus, cerebrospinal fluid, interior of eye, etc.) is negative-charged.
An environment that has an abundance of free electrons will repel parasites whether electric current, magnets, or orgone generate this state.
Parasites not only die when subjected to electricity, but also apparently disintegrate and are easily assimilated as harmless nutrients or eliminated.
Viruses and fungi inside the cells, parasites in cysts and parasites with exoskeletons (like hookworms in the peripheral tissues), may take longer to destroy, but by zapping you may begin to clear the blood and lymphatic fluids, major organ ducts, intestinal and stomach lining, brain and central nervous system of parasites which will give your immune system a tremendous and nearly immediate boost.
When parasites come out of cysts and other protected areas, the surprise they encounter will be quite unpleasant. Parasites that live within cysts and other protective containment will die when their lifespan has ended. Viruses only live three weeks, for instance, and bacteria don’t live much longer so if they’re destroyed before they can replicate one may get rid of the problem in a fairly short time with zapping. All of this is speculation based on simple observation, since nobody has done extended research, yet. Thorough research is costly, so only funded labs do it. We can probably assume that the medical/pharmaceutical cartel arranges the funding for medical research and zappers directly threaten this syndicate.