Castor oil

Castor oil


Castor oil is something we would recommend to most of our clients. It has had a place in medicine since the beginning of time.

A Castor oil pack is a great inexpensive option to help support and stimulate natural detoxification, especially in the liver as it boosts blood and bile flow. It also boost oxytocin and dopamine and puts the body in a parasympathetic state (rest and digest) and In itself castor oil is naturally anti inflammatory in nature.

The positive effects translate into enhanced digestion, assimilation, and elimination for those who use them. And can also have benefits with sleep, hormone balancing and many many other imbalances.

What fascinates me even more than the reasons above is the energetics written about castor oil. Barbera Wren writes that castor oil is meant to emit a white light. The white light may penetrate the cell giving the area energy to promote movement and therefore relieve stagnation. Our DNA and the health of our body (as we’ve been writing about) are very dependent on light, so as Barbera writes ~ it is possible that the castor oil packs promote the creation of cellular light.

It's very easy to use, doesn't take too much time and you can easily source the supplies - although note I would always purchase a top quality organic castor oil like the one on our ATTA shop.

✨ a soak a flannel/ muslin with castor oil and place over area - our usual recommendation is the liver

⚡️ Cover with cling film incase the oil gets onto clothing and place a heat pad or hot water bottle over the area.

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