Welcome to the Zesty World of Fire Cider!

Welcome to the Zesty World of Fire Cider!

Looking for a natural, invigorating tonic that can warm you from the inside out? Fire cider is a time-honoured, immune-boosting remedy that’s as fiery as it is flavourful. Packed with potent ingredients like raw apple cider vinegar, garlic, ginger, and spicy peppers, this homemade infusion is a powerful elixir with deep roots in herbal medicine. Whether you’re looking to ward off the winter chills, support digestion, or just add a kick to your daily routine, fire cider is the perfect blend of spice and wellness. Follow along for our favourite recipe, and discover how easy it is to craft your own jar of this zesty, health-boosting brew at home!


Fresh Turmeric Root

One of the most powerful aspects of Turmeric is curcumin which has the ability to control inflammation. 

The journal Oncogene published the results of a study that evaluated several anti-inflammatory compounds and found that curcumin is among the most effective anti-inflammatory compounds in the world.’

Fresh Horseradish Root

Horseradish is rich in Antioxidants. Some of the antioxidants found in the root are antimutagenic. This means they protect parts of the body from mutagens that can cause permanent harm.

Horseradish also protects against microbes and bacteria

The oil responsible for the pungent taste of horseradish is called allyl isothiocyanateor mustard oil. It is a known antimicrobial against a wide spectrum of pathogens.

Horseradish root also has positive effects on phagocytes, which are a type of cell in the body that engulf and absorb bacteria.

Horseradish also reduces symptoms of respiratory Illness. Because of the antibiotic properties of horseradish, it has been used for many years in traditional medicine to treat bronchitis, sinusitis, cough and the common cold.

The pungent smell of this vegetable (same as mustard) also helps expel mucus from the upper respiratory system to prevent infection. When taking this root vegetable for sinus problems, it may feel like you are producing excess mucus, but this can actually be beneficial.

After a day or two, your body will start to rid itself of waste, which is a major step in preventing infection.

*Tip: when feeling poorly is to add 3 tablespoons of mustard powder and or ginger paste to a hot foot bath, it has the effects as the above, and has the ability to break up stagnation, dilate blood vessels and draw impurities out. It will make you sweat!  

Dried or fresh Elderberry

Elderberry provides cold and flu relief

The berries contain chemical compounds called anthocyanidins, which have been found to possess immunostimulant properties.

‘Researchers found that elderberry may reduce the duration and severity of symptoms related to colds and influenza’

Elderberry also contains a major flavonoid called quercetin which acts as an antioxidant that flights inflammation and prevents damaging particles enter the cell.


Onion defends against respiratory Infections

Experts believe that certain onion nutrition phytonutrients can increase immune defence; fight inflammation; reduce mucus in the nasal passages, lungs and respiratory system; and help you feel better quicker. 

Onions also have natural antibacterial properties, making them beneficial for fighting infections.

*Tip: make your own cough syrup - try cutting an onion (can add garlic too) finely, pour honey over the top. Leave for 8 to 12 hours. Remove onion and take a teaspoon of the liquid as and when needed. Discard after 2 days – keep in fridge.


Garlic has natural antibacterial effects. The allicin in garlic can inhibit bacteria, viruses and growth of yeasts, such as candida.

The antimicrobial effect of allicin is due to its reaction with various enzymes, including thiol groups.


Rosemary provides many antioxidants; consuming rosemary can help fight oxidative stress and support the immune system. It’s also known to promote healthy circulation and to defend against inflammation, which can lead to pain.

Rosemary can also help lift your mood and boost alertness. Like some other herbs in the mint family, rosemary’s smell is considered a “cognitive stimulant” and can help make you feel more awake and focused..

Additionally, the uplifting and energizing aroma of rosemary has been linked to improved moods, reduces drowsiness and reduced stress levels, including due to its ability to decrease release of the “stress hormone” cortisol. This is the reason you’ll find rosemary in some candles, home sprays, aromatherapy oils, etc.

Within rosemary there are compounds that can help defend against proliferation of certain types of harmful bacteria, including those that contribute to infections. Rosemary extracts are even used as food preservatives in some cases because they can help stop bacteria from growing.


Jalapeño prevents bacteria growth, prevents colds and promotes a strong immune system.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help reduce the damage caused from free radicals found in the body. It’s most famous for its ability to help prevent or reduce the effects of the common cold. The jalapeno pepper lays claim to having more vitamin C than an orange, making it one of the top vitamin C foods. One serving of jalapenos contains 66 percent of the daily recommendation of vitamin C. Vitamin C gives the immune system a boost by producing white blood cells, which helps the body stave off illness.

The capsaicin found in hot peppers may also help headaches. Capsaicin can release pain peptides.


Lemons enhances immunity and are a good source of vitamin C.

Lemons are also loaded with antioxidants that can help fight inflammation and promote improved immunity. Antioxidants have been shown to protect your immune cells by neutralizing harmful free radicals and keeping your body free of infections caused by bacteria or viruses.

Lemon contains powerful flavonoids, including quercetin, luteolin, apigenin and hesperidin. Quercetin, for example, helps reduce damaging inflammation, may work to relieve allergy symptoms and helps fight pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar – ACV

 If you feel a case of the sniffles coming on, a few tablespoons of ACV may be a useful natural cold remedy to relieve symptoms fast. This is because apple cider vinegar contains beneficial bacteria that can help give your immune system a quick boost, especially when you’re feeling under the weather.

ACV can help balance your pH, encourage lymphatic drainage and enhance circulation, making it a great tool when it comes to detoxification.

ACV When you’re feeling under the weather with a scratchy sore throat, you may want to consider reaching for the apple cider vinegar. With its potent antibacterial properties, ACV can soothe your throat to help get you back to feeling your best. However, be sure to dilute your ACV with water to maximize results and prevent the acidity from burning your throat.

We also use ACV in fire cider for its food preserving capabilities. Thanks to its acidic pH, ACV is often used as an effective food preservative, helping to extend shelf-life by killing off bacteria and blocking food spoilage.


Cut and grate any choice of ingredients from above list.

Place ingredients in a jar. Make sure garlic is at the bottom and completely submerged.

Add enough apple cider vinegar to cover the ingredients. Use a fermentation weight or something clean and heavy to make sure all ingredients are below the liquid level. 

Put lid on and leave in the jar for 2-3 weeks, preferably in a slightly warm place.

After 2-3 weeks, strain and discard the herbs.

OPTIONAL - After straining, measure the apple cider vinegar left and mix it with an equal amount of raw honey to make a syrup.


Store in the refrigerator and take 1 teaspoon as needed daily or when illness strikes. I’ve taken as much as 1 teaspoon an hour during illness until I felt better.




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