In 2019, the Analemma team collaborated with a clinical laboratory specialising in neurotherapy to conduct a series of smaller experiments studying the effect of coherent water on the human brain. Why did we opt for the brain? The initial connection was evident in water. The brain, being our most water-dependent organ, consists of roughly 75% water, surpassing any other organ in the body. It seemed logical that coherent water would primarily reach this water-abundant tissue mass, providing us with a direct means to assess its influence. The second connection lay in the brain's functionality. Comprised of neurons, cells generating electrical currents for...
ANALEMMA IMPACT ON PLANTS A constant evolution of technology has created a world that is permanently and globally connected via Wi-Fi, 4G and 5G networks. A wider frequency range is required for a 5G network, which calls for an increase in the number of antennas and satellites used. Numerous studies explored how the frequency levels in technology affect our bodies. The scientists still remain divided. Some studies argue that 5G network is not harmful to the humans and the environment, while others suggest that a potential health risk needs to be considered, and that thorough future research is crucial for...
Age revitalisation with Analemma GlycanAge is a precision cutting edge health test, it is the most accurate test of biological age and wellness available. They are the World leaders in glyco-science. Their award-winning scientists are at the forefront of biochemistry and molecular biology. They have studied ageing for over 20 years and published their findings in more than 120 scientific journals. The team at Aǹalemma worked with GlycanAge to test the impact of Aǹalemma water on human health. In the study the participants that consumed Aǹalemma treated water for only three months experienced an incredible 1-12 years of biological age revitalisation. Their whole system got revitalised on the...
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