EPISODE 09 - What is Face Yoga and why can it help with your whole wellbeing.

EPISODE 09 - Nazmeen Khaliq

Deep dive with Nazmeen Khaliq and ATTA as explains and shows us the ancient wisdom on Traditional Chinese Medicine Face Yoga by using the facial meridian lines to work with energy (Qi) throughout the whole body.

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episode 8 - minerals are the sparks plugs of life - part 1 of a dive into the Root Cause Protocol

EPISODE 08 - Catherine Mort

We chat to Catherine Mort from the ATTA clinic about the RCP - Root Cause Protocol - which encompasses a whole body approach and recognises the effects of all stressors on the body's ability to create energy and clear cellular exhaust. It looks at how all elements work together, rather than limiting the focus to isolated nutrients or conditions.

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EPISODE 7 - The lost art of Electroculture and how it can enhance our gardens and our health!

EPISODE 07 - Matt Roeske

Matt Roeske also now shares knowledge of the forgotten art of Electroculture and the history that surrounds this. His and ATTA's mission align - We want to educate and empower people to step away from fear and know that there are always solutions out there to help.

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Jackie chatted about her journey to better health after suffering with Lymes through the process of getting the right light.

EPISODE 06 - Jackie Jolie

Jackie chatted about her journey to better health after suffering with Lymes through the process of getting the right light.

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