Ines Seco has a Bsc in Homeopathy and has trained as a Systemic Family Constellations therapist.
As a homeopath she can support your body with its ailments by finding the root cause and gently supporting its own healing. Homeopathy is a non toxic medical system, works with the natural imune system of the body, and its safe for all ages and conditions.
Systemic Family constellations is a therapy that in a simple and gentle way, helps us to untangle our life, allowing us to find a place in our system, either family, society or work. Ines approach to each session can be perceived as different as she integrates her knowledge of several areas, including her background in secondary Maths teaching, EFT, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Karma Astrology, Tarot and life experience!
They are all tools that she combines in various ways as everyone is unique! And therefore each client has a unique individual session. She will facilitate and guide you into an inner journey, leading you back to your true self. She will hold the space for you to explore your inner wisdom and go back to your core, to who you truly are.
“My passion is to share my knowledge about how to empower yourself, in your health and your every day life! Having the knowing of how to change it by taking responsibility for our health and behaviours, is so empowering and leads to inner Freedom!"
“A journey of a thousand steps begins with a single step. — Lao – Tzu”
View our ATTA interview with Ines here.
1:1 Homeopathy
1.1 Family Constellations