A Photonic device creates a healthy environment to live, work and travel. It minimises the harmful effects of wireless radiation sources (EMF’s), such as smart technology, wifi routers and geo-pathic stress zones. Regular use of these devices allow you to preserve the natural state of your health, feel energised, initiate the self-healing process and protect yourself from harmful artificial influences. As intended by nature.
- The Photonic Shield device is a multi-layered structure that is constructed of specific metal alloys and dielectric materials.
- The Photonic Shield is a dependable converter of super high frequency electromagnetic fields which transforms background radiation into frequencies that beneficially affects biological objects and humans.
- The shapes of the resonant structures and the characteristics of the photonic shield crystal materials are calculated and formed based on the interaction of the electromagnetic fields with biological objects, water structures and circular polarization of right hand rotation.
There are two types of electromagnetic fields; natural and artificial. Natural EMFs are advantageous since they support the healthy operation of our bodies. They are produced by human bodies, the sun, the moon and the surface of the earth. On the other side, artificial electromagnetic fields are the harmful EMFs. They are produced by electronic appliances and devices that emit EMF radiation when they are in use for example smart meters, mobile phones, routers, tablets, electric vehicles etc
According to studies, (www.bioinitiative.org) the most recent technology has significantly boosted artificial EMFs all over the earth. Both the environment and human life are harmed by artificial EMFs. The relationship between EMFs and the most recent illnesses in the world, like cancer, stroke, and dementia, diabetes, is still being researched.
The typical operation of your body’s natural EMFs is distorted by artificial EMFs. Among the common effects of long term exposure to man made radiation are:
- Abnormal cell growth
- Depression
- Weakened immune system
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Irregular heartbeat
Please take a moment to look at the Bioinitiative Report ~ A Rationale for Biologically-based Exposure Standards of Low- Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation.