mental Health and the benefits of Emotional Freedom Technique EFT

mental Health and the benefits of Emotional Freedom Technique EFT

emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping) is an acupressure therapy combined with modern talking psychology. EFT involves gently tapping on specific points around the face and upper torso while talking through the issue to be resolved.

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EFT Emoto blog


Written for ATTA by our Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) therapist Nikki Macro I have been interested in Dr. Emoto's work for some time and I have always felt and affinity to water. I believed this was because I was born and have lived by the seaside my whole life. Apart from a two year period where I lived in-land. I hated it and had to move back to be near the water. However, after researching Dr. Emoto's work and now avidly following the work of Veda Austin, I am beginning to understand there is much more to this. Perhaps that is why I...

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